Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide

About the Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata ‘Little Sunshine’

One of the most photogenic and popular houseplants around, the Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig takes on a fun twist from your regular ficus tree. It is much more compact and grows brighter leaves than its plant sibling, making it a great choice if you live in an apartment without a ton of space. It has green, heavily veined leaves that grow upwards into a miniature tree. Fiddle leaf figs are considered one of the most air-purifying plants as they improve your air quality by providing high levels of oxygen and cleaning the air of allergens.

Botanical NameFicus lyrata
Plant TypeTree, Houseplant
Leaf ColorDark Green
Mature SizeUp to 10 feet indoors, larger outdoors
Sun ExposureBright, indirect light
Bloom TimeRarely blooms indoors
Flower ColorN/A (Indoor plants typically do not bloom)
Hardiness Zones10-12 (outdoors)
Native AreaWestern Africa

Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Care Guide


The Right Amount of Sunshine for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

  • Bright, Indirect Light: Figs thrive in bright, indirect light. A spot near a window that receives filtered sunlight for most of the day is ideal. Direct sunlight, especially during hot afternoons, should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves.
  • Rotate Regularly: To ensure even growth, rotate your plant every few weeks. This ensures all sides receive equal light and promotes a well-proportioned shape.


Keeping the Balance: Watering Your Dwarf Fiddle Leaf Fig

  • Consistency is Key: Water your Fig when the top inch of soil becomes dry. The goal is to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot, a common issue with these plants.
  • Reduced Watering in Winter: During the cooler months, reduce the frequency of watering as the plant’s growth slows down.


The Foundation of Health: Soil Requirements

  • Well-Draining Potting Mix: The ideal soil for a plant is a well-draining potting mix. You can use a standard houseplant potting mix and add perlite or sand to improve drainage.
  • Repotting: Repotting every 2-3 years helps refresh the soil and provide more room for growth. Choose a pot only slightly larger than the current one to prevent overwatering issues.

Temperature and Humidity

Creating the Perfect Environment

  • Ideal Temperature: Keep your plant in a temperature range of 60-75°F (15-24°C). Avoid placing it near drafty windows or doors, as sudden temperature changes can harm the plant.
  • Humidity Love: These plants enjoy humidity. In drier environments, consider using a humidifier or placing a water tray nearby to increase moisture levels in the air.


Nutritional Needs for Robust Growth

  • Balanced Fertilizer: During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month. This provides the necessary nutrients for robust growth.
  • Rest in Winter: Hold back on fertilizing in the winter months, as the plant is not actively growing during this period.

How to Growing Ficus lyrata Successfully

How to Propagate

Propagating a Fiddle Leaf Fig can be somewhat challenging but rewarding for plant enthusiasts.

Cutting and Rooting

  • Selecting a Cutting: Choose a healthy stem with several leaves. Cut just above where a leaf joins the stem, ideally 4-6 inches from the stem’s base.
  • Rooting the Cutting: Place the cutting in water, ensuring at least one leaf node (the point where the leaf meets the stem) is submerged. Change the water every 1-2 weeks to keep it fresh.
  • Transferring to Soil: Once roots develop, typically after a few weeks, plant the cutting in a pot with well-draining potting soil.

Potting and Repotting

The right potting approach is crucial for the health of your Fig.

Choosing the Right Pot

  • Drainage Is Key: Use a pot with adequate drainage to prevent water from sitting at the bottom. Overwatering is a common issue with Fiddle Leaf Figs.
  • Size Matters: A pot that is too big for the plant can lead to excess soil moisture. Choose a pot that is just 1 to 2 inches larger in diameter than the previous one.

Repotting Process

  • Best Time to Repot: Spring or early summer, when the plant is entering its active growth phase.
  • How to Repot: Gently loosen the plant from its current pot. If the roots are tightly bound, carefully untangle them. Place the plant in the new pot and fill around the sides with fresh potting soil.


Pruning is essential for maintaining the shape and health of your ‘Bambino’ Fig.

When and How to Prune

  • Pruning Time: Prune your Ficus lyrata during the growing season (spring and summer) for the best results.
  • Technique: Use sharp, clean shears to remove dead leaves, any brown tips, or excessively spindly growth. To encourage a bushier appearance, prune just above a leaf node.


  • Post-Pruning Care: After pruning, make sure your plant has ample bright, filtered light and consistent temperatures to recover and continue growing happily.
  • Watering: Wait until the top inch of the soil feels dry before watering. Overwatering can cause the leaves to drop.

Tackling Pests and Plant Diseases

Ficus lyrata, with their distinctive violin-shaped leaves, is a beloved choice for indoor greenery. However, keeping them lush and healthy involves vigilance against pests and diseases.

Pests and Plant Diseases

Battling Common Pests

Ficus lyrata can be susceptible to various pests, which, if left unchecked, can compromise their health and appearance.

  • Spider Mites: These tiny pests thrive in dry environments and can cause the leaves to develop yellow spots and eventually drop. Increase humidity around the plant and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. For severe infestations, use insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Mealybugs: Identified by their cottony appearance, mealybugs suck sap from the leaves, weakening the plant. Remove them manually using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and apply insecticidal soap as a follow-up treatment.
  • Scale Insects: These pests attach themselves to the stems and underside of leaves, causing yellowing and leaf drop. Treat with horticultural oil or neem oil, ensuring to cover all affected areas.

Dealing with Plant Diseases

While Ficus lyrata is relatively tough, certain diseases can still pose a threat, especially when environmental conditions are less-than-perfect.

  • Root Rot: Overwatering is a primary cause of root rot in Fiddle Leaf Figs. Ensure your plant is in well-draining soil and a planter with drainage holes. Let the top inch of the soil dry out between waterings.
  • Leaf Spot Disease: Caused by fungal or bacterial pathogens, this manifests as dark or discolored spots on the leaves. Improve air circulation, avoid getting water on the leaves, and consider using a fungicide if necessary.

Common Problems

Recognizing and Solving Typical Issues

  • Dropping Leaves: A common issue, often related to underwatering, overwatering, or a sudden change in environment. Ensure consistent watering and a stable environment to prevent leaf drop.
  • Brown Spots or Edges: These can indicate sunburn, dry air, or over-fertilization. Place your plant in a location with bright, indirect light and avoid placing it in direct sun for extended periods.
  • Stunted Growth: If your tree is looking spindly or isn’t growing as expected, it might not be receiving enough light or nutrients. Ensure it’s placed in a bright location and consider fertilizing during the growing season.

These plants, whether a standard-sized or a ‘Bambino’ variety, add a touch of elegance to any indoor space. By understanding and addressing their needs, you can enjoy the beauty of vibrant green, upright-growing leaves that characterize this finicky yet stunning plant. Regular care, such as cleaning the leaves with a damp cloth and monitoring the soil moisture, can keep your plant healthy and thriving.

Pros and Cons

Aesthetic Appeal: With its lush, green leaves and unique structure, it adds a touch of elegance to any space.Light Sensitivity: Requires a lot of bright, indirect light, which can be a challenge in low-light homes.
Compact Size: Perfect for smaller spaces where a full-size Fig would be overwhelming.Watering Finesse Required: Over-watering or under-watering can lead to health issues.
Air Purifying: Like many houseplants, it helps in purifying the air in your home.Slow Growing: Patience is needed as it grows slower than many other houseplants.
Low Maintenance: Once you understand its basic needs, it’s quite easy to care for.Toxic to Pets: Can be harmful if ingested by pets, requiring caution in placement.
Disease Resistant: Generally resistant to diseases, making it a hard choice for less experienced plant owners.Sensitive to Environmental Changes: Reacts to changes in temperature, humidity, and repositioning.

As a final note, remember that every Ficus lyrata has its personality. It might take a bit of trial and error to find out exactly what works for your green buddy. But, with patience and care, you’ll see your plant flourish, bringing a touch of nature’s magic into your home. Happy gardening!